The day’s festivities were launched with fun and family games at the central Coop store in Sofia. An article featured in the daily co-operative newspaper “Zemya” (Earth) reached the wider public and promoted this annual celebration of co-operatives, recognized by global institutional stakeholders such as the United Nations and ILO and reminded of the importance of our model of enterprise, which has been celebrated by the global co-operative movement since 1923.
Euro Coop, as part of the Food Policy Coalition , has joined over twenty civil society...
On 5 November the “Cooperative Vision for a Sustainable and Competitive Europe:...
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming event, “Cooperative Vision for a Sustainable...
Dear co-operators, Dear colleagues, Today we celebrate the International...
2020 was historically destined to pass under the auspices of the 130th Anniversary of the...
Watch the video here . The 26th UN International Day of Co-operatives is...