Euro Coop

EU Commission concludes the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture

EU Commission concludes the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture

The European Commission has concluded its seven-month Strategic Dialogue on agriculture and rural development, with President Ursula von der Leyen presenting the final plenary report. The report addresses a range of topics, including the transition to sustainable agriculture, farmers’ incomes, access to land, and generational renewal.

The report highlights several initiatives aimed at improving farmers’ incomes, with a possible revision of the Unfair Trading Practices (UTP) Directive under consideration. It acknowledges the need for prices above production costs to support small- and medium-sized farms and farm workers, while recognising the diversity of agrarian systems across Europe.

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is also addressed, with a focus on subsidies for small farms and efforts to regulate the market. The report notes that market regulation, through mechanisms such as supply management, public stocks, and minimum support prices, was not fully developed in the recommendations.

Generational renewal is presented as a key factor in agricultural transition, alongside the need for stronger public advisory systems and farmer training, particularly in organic farming and agroecology. The report also touches on the preservation of and access to land, suggesting the creation of an observatory and the possibility of future discussions on a European Directive on Land.

While the report covers a broad range of agricultural issues, discussions on topics such as market competition, international trade policies, and the human rights approach to food were also noted, with attention to ongoing debates in these areas.


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