Consumer Policy
Consumer co-operatives are operated and democratically governed by consumers that directly benefit from the products and services offered by the business. Euro Coop represents 32 million European consumer-members, meaning that their rights, aspirations and interests are top priorities.
While much of our other work covers consumer issues, some are particular to the field of consumer policy, including consumer education and information, product safety and consumer rights and redress.
Latest Consumer Policy news

EESC Recognition for Consumer Co-ops Towards an EU Strategy on Sustainable Consumption
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted an own-initiative Opinion:...

ECA Report: EU Food Safety
Reaction to the European Court of Auditors Report: “ Chemical Hazards in Our...

CETA Position Paper
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is a free trade agreement between the...
Latest Consumer Policy stories

CCU Bulgaria Marks the New School Year
Each year on the occasion of the first school day in Bulgaria – 15 September, Central...

COOP opened the first automatic store in the Czech Republic
The new concept allows customers to...

Central Cooperative Union Bulgaria celebrates its 75th anniversary
This month CCU Bulgaria celebrates the 75th anniversary of its foundation. CCU was the result...